Tag: japan


December 8th Start&Finish:  The weather: Outfit/Equipment: Crowds: Map: Time: 5 hours hiking, from Start&Finish: Nishiagano station to Agano station. The route we were following led to a bus stop but we decided to walk rather than wait for the infrequent buses. The weather: Cold and sunny. Outfit/Equipment: warm hiking trousers, tshirt, long sleeve top, vest, […]


September 22nd Start&Finish: Ogose station The weather: Warm and drizzly. Outfit/Equipment: Lightweight exercise trousers, vest top, t-shirt, hat, raincoat/umbrella (I had a raincoat because I hate carrying things but the other half opted for the cooler umbrella). Map: We wandered around lost for a lot of time. There are maps of here. It’s difficult to […]